2021 Skins Success!

Skins Relay

The annual CMMSC Skins meet was held on Saturday 31st of July.

Last year's meet snuck in between COVID lockdowns, and looks like we got this year's away just in time.

Over 50 swimmers competed in 5 events, plus club relays.  As a reminder, in Skins you race a length and the last swimmer is eliminated, and after a rest the remaining swimmers race again.  This is repeated until a winner is found.  Points are awarded based on how many lengths you get through. 

CMMSC were there in good numbers, and also placed really well - so carried the Jane Logan Trophy for team with the highest points.

Also great to see swimmers from Roskill, Waitakere, North Shore, Mahurangi and more!

Notably, CMMSC also won the club relay - which was a fantastic result.

The usual after-match Spot-Prize and Food was up to its high standard and a fun day was had by all. 

Looking forward to Skins 2022

Article added: Sunday 22 August 2021


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